Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Is my life screwed will I have TMJ forever?

I have tmj(temporal mandibular joint disorder), I'm 18, and I read that it is one of the most complex joints in the body and doctors don't really have a cure and I read that it can disfigure a person's face. I fear that it is doing this now I wear a splint made by my orthodontist and I'm not sure if it is making it better or not I can still eat without a problem but it feels like something on the right side of my jaw broke off cause everytime I swallow I hear this cracking noise on the right side of my ear/jaw. Also it makes going through the day even harder from school to playing baseball. I'm so pissed this is happening I had a hard time in high school and in my senior year I just wanted to go through the year without any problems but I got TMJ I think due to weightlifting when I pulled something in my neck. It's always something I'm so stressed. I used to care so much about everything else like how I'm going to make it through the year but now I just want my health back and go through the day without this jaw problem.

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