Sunday, January 22, 2012

Who is your favorite celeberity and why?

Michael Jackson because he was always the biggest,most talented and most innocent star in the world.This is the best answer.

What if winry and ed from fma switched bodies?

would ed have a nosebleed every time he looks down would winry hit herself with a wrench would ed enjoy being taller!!!!!

Cologne/fragrance experts?

Try Amrani Code,Aqua Di Gio,Hollister "So Cal',Abercrombi and Fitch "Fierce",Hollister"Jake"

Meth possesion case-if defendant asks for a retest ,who has to pay for it?

can the defendant ask to file a motion to suppress evidence in any case? If there isn't enough evidence to retest what happens?

Botox and wrinkles under the eyes?

has anyone used botox for the wrinkles under the eyes and/or crows feet? Any other option out there to minimize? please share your experiences. Thank you.

How do you delete the video slider on myspace? the big blue video slider thing?

you go to edit profile, song and video on profile and at the bottom of the page it says profile video slider, and you can select 'hide' then save

Why was D-Day code-named 'D-Day?'?

No specific reason, just a common habit to denote an expected moment in a plan. Another one is H-Hour. It's the culmination of a plan for THAT particular time period by capitalization.